NFT Bar Opening


First NFT Bar in the Metaverse

VIP Pass Drop


Planed Events

DROP VIP Pass (256)

Each VIP will get a free Cocktail on the opening (Cocktail = unique photography NFT)

Regular NFT-Bar events where NFT artists present their works and VIP-PASS owners get discounts!

Exclusive raffle of promoted NFT-collection

Exclusive white listing with discount with partner artists!

VIP-PASS owners decide about the artists who will present their art in the NFT-Bar

NFT Bar Openning

Reveal of full Cocktail collection and all Cocktail names ( names will be a big surprise! )

Free cocktails for VIPs (unique artwork from our cocktail collection)

Big promo event for selected artists

Weekly/ Monthly events

Exclusive promo for artists

Exclusive promo for artists

Exclusive discount for VIP-PASS owners

Launching collaborative collections on OpenSea

IP-PASS owners will have rights of co-determination which artwork will be launched

Cocktail Card